Prohibited items

Items on this list must not be sold or on display in the Vendor Hall, Auctions, or Art Shows. If you are found to have any of these items during the convention, it may be excluded from the convention. Severe or repeat offenses may result in the loss of your stallholder table, removal from the convention, and/or a ban from future conventions. Final decisions about any item or consequence will be up to the discretion of DinoCon Head Staff.

If you are unsure about any piece that you wish to sell/display, please contact us at before the start of the convention.

  • Anything that violates UK and/or European Law.

  • Food, drink, and/or perishable items (including freebie sweets).

  • Weapons of any kind, including imitation weapons and ammunition.

  • Explosives of any kind (e.g. fireworks, party poppers, etc.).

  • Drugs of any kind (illegal or otherwise).

  • Real parts from modern animals (fur, pelts, bones, etc.) or items made with these materials (excluding leather and sheepskin/wool). Anything that is in violation of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 or the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Act 2000.

  • Any fossils/minerals/rocks that have been illegally imported or illegally exported from their country of origin.

  • Items that are dangerous to view/handle or could cause damage to the venue (e.g. non-sealed liquids that could cause staining).

  • Anything that violates UK Copyright law. Items that you sell/display must be original to you, fall under “Fair Use”, be officially Licensed (e.g. Official Merchandise), or you must have signed written permission from the original copyright holder to display and/or sell their work for profit.

  • Anything of a sexual nature, including artwork and/or items intended for sexual purposes (e.g. pornography, pin-ups, sex toys, dakimakuras, etc.).

    • Scientific artwork depicting theoretical copulation methods of prehistoric animals may be sold to individuals over the age of 18, but cannot be on display at any point.

  • Anything that is discriminatory, derogatory, or intended to harass an individual or a group of people.

  • Excessive violence, cruelty, and/or gore.

    • Depictions of animals hunting/fighting/feeding are allowed, however they must not be overly gory or exaggerated. Please contact us if you are unsure if your product meets this description.

  • Gambling of any kind including, but not limited to, raffles, lotteries, lucky dips, and mystery bags.

  • AI generated images or text (whole or partial).

  • Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and/or cryptocurrencies.

  • Vouchers, tokens, or other items used in proxy to allow for the sale of prohibited items.